Schäfer + Peters GmbH
Zeilbaumweg 3274613 Öhringen
Representative managing directors
Gerhard Schäfer, Helmut PetersContact details
Phone: +49 (0) 7941 6094 – 0Fax: +49 (0) 7941 6094 – 700
E-mail: info[at]
Commercial register
Registration court: Amtsgericht StuttgartRegister number: HRB 580350
VAT identification number pursuant
to § 27a of German Value Added Tax Act
DE146288880Contact details of data protection officer
DSS-connect GmbHSalinenstr. 23/ 1
74177 Bad Friedrichshall
Phone: 07136 / 9657-599
Responsible for content pursuant to § 55,
sec. 2 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty
Helmut Peters, Zeilbaumweg 32, 74613 Öhringen, DeutschlandThe offering is intended exclusively for entrepreneurs, tradespeople, freelancers and public institutions and not for consumers in the context of § 13 of the German Civil Code. Schäfer + Peters is therefore neither prepared nor obligated to participate in an out-of-court dispute resolution at a consumer conciliation body.
Conception, design & implementation
A digital success story by dc
Realised with the content management system dynamic content,
the e-Commerce software dynamic commerce.
Information offering
The offering party makes no guarantee for the completeness and correctness of the information published. The information serves as general information only and does not constitute legal advice.
Cross-references (links)
The offering party is ─ as content provider ─ responsible for their own content that is made available to be used on this Web site at URL or in accordance with general legislation. Cross-references (links) to content from other offering parties do not make this content our own. By leveraging the technical possibilities and advantages of linking information with cross-references (links), the offering party provisions third-party content for use. The offering party is not legally obligated to continually check third-party content referred to in their offering for legitimacy, nor verify changes or amendments that could justify responsibility. For such content, the offering party may only be held responsible to the extent that they must prohibit further use should they become aware of any illegitimacy or punishable offense and that taking steps to this end are technically possible and reasonable. The offering party shall be held responsible for content that they make available on other Web sites and whose respective offering they are involved in as well as for their own content.Copyright notice
Publishing, duplicating and disseminating the content of this offering requires approval from the offering party. Quotes may only be made referencing the author and source.